Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Episode VIII: Por Fe (By Faith)

Remember yesterday's blog when we talked about trouble with reservations?  God called on us to act in faith starting at the airport first thing this morning!  We arrived and learned that half of the team had reservations and the other half did not.  Our new best friend Ricardo thought that it was just a matter of paperwork and they started working on in right away.  As the time drew near for our flight to leave, Ricardo was concerned that the paperwork would not make it through in time for part of the team to leave on our 12:30 flight.  Gwen W called us all together to pray about the tickets, and withing minutes they were calling the rest of the team to check-in!  However Ron H. and Nate G. almost missed it because they were outside hunting scorpions...God is so good, and we have loved seeing Him at work every step of this trip!

Most of the rest of the day was fairly uneventful, but we were pushed on time getting through customs to our Raleigh flight in Atlanta.  Thankfully the entire team is now home safely!  We greatly appreciate all of the prayers and support that each of you have sent our way!  The senders are just as important as the goers, and we can't wait to tell you how God has been at work this week!  The tentative date for presenting at Calvary is 8/14, and we hope to see many of you there.

1 comment:

Rebeca Reams said...

We are so thankful all of you are home safely!

The Reams'