I learned today how to use a circular saw, and I had a lot of fun! I really appreciated the opportunity that the more experienced men gave us to learn new things, even though we made mistakes and couldn't always keep up with the fast pace.
-Christine D.

Hmmm...I learned today that it is not a good idea to try and clean paintbrushes that have dried out for who knows how long. Let me tell you, that was a special experience...a long experience. Other things I did: held boards that were being cut, transported wood back and forth and then back again, and then forth again...well you get the point. I also hammered one nail, but that was all the elbows could take for today, but it was an accomplishment! :) There were a lot of us working at one site, but we all worked very well together and it made the time pass quickly and the day was a lot of fun. Thanks for your continuous prayers.
-Anna H.

Hi, this is Megan L.!!!!!!! Today i was on the electric team. I was very excited because i actually completed an electric socket all by myself!!!! I was happy!!! sorry if this bored you!! :) remember, semper gumby!!!! :)
-Megan L. :)

Wow...today was really wet. All of the wood and all of our shoes were wet. By the end of the day my feet looked like two giant prunes that had been bleached. But today waas otherwise team building. We communicated on what we needed tool and wood wise. There were puddles and mud everywhere (even inside :) thanks to the roof damaged by Katrina). Otherwise today was pretty fun. See yall later.
-Kelsey W.

What an awesome day by our mission's team. The day started early with a downpour overnight and the ubiquitous puddles emerging throughout the Lagniappe compound. New team from Tidewater Virginia (Va Beach) arrived late last night which made the acomodations in the bunkhouses even more cozy. Over 10 teams here in the "Coalition of the Willing" from all over (NC, VA, PA, OH, IL and IN to name but a few). By 6 am we had a "gullywasher" deluge "up on the roof" (and then through the roof of the "church"/dining hall/etc.) Great to see the positive attitudes and spirit of cooperation among ALL the groups, staff and locals even though living conditions are "Spartan" and primitive for most folks. All the youth worked in an outstanding manner in all the jobs today - building bunks, roof trusses for the new bunkhouse and a completely new electrical wiring job for a local family. Long day with everybody hot, tired and sweaty but with a shower before dinner and hopefully a win by the 'Canes in Game 7 everybody is looking forward to another great day here along the Gulf Coast of MS... Canes win, Canes win, Canes win!!!
-Dr Mike

Well, two of the three teams had the opportunity to do work that they didn't even plan on. You can read about that above. The electrical team had the opportunity to serve in the community by stripping all the wiring from a mobile home and starting to rewire the whole trailer. Mr. H, the owner of the mobile home, barely survived Hurricane Katrina, with his wife and four other people (he was in another building, not this trailer, during the storm). More about that tomorrow. Suffice it to say that God used this man to rescue several people that would have almost certainly perished in the storm. We have been encouraged with the excellent attitudes today. Folks were indeed flexible, which always helps here. Please pray for good rest and sleep, even with sore muscles. Pray that the truth of the Gospel would be evident in our life and words.
Wow! Ya'll are doing some wonderful work. Thanks for the pictures and notes. It is great to see how God is using you! Take care and may God continue to bless you each day.
The Reams'
Glad to hear that things are going well. It has been hot here also!!!! Also, glad to hear that Christine still has ten fingers. Praying for you guys.
Mrs. D.
Great team work! We love the fact everyone is doing something new and exciting and helping where it's most needed. Keep up the good work! We are praying for all of you!
Jim, Barb and Daphne :-)
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