Remember yesterday's blog when we talked about trouble with reservations? God called on us to act in faith starting at the airport first thing this morning! We arrived and learned that half of the team had reservations and the other half did not. Our new best friend Ricardo thought that it was just a matter of paperwork and they started working on in right away. As the time drew near for our flight to leave, Ricardo was concerned that the paperwork would not make it through in time for part of the team to leave on our 12:30 flight. Gwen W called us all together to pray about the tickets, and withing minutes they were calling the rest of the team to check-in! However Ron H. and Nate G. almost missed it because they were outside hunting scorpions...God is so good, and we have loved seeing Him at work every step of this trip!
Most of the rest of the day was fairly uneventful, but we were pushed on time getting through customs to our Raleigh flight in Atlanta. Thankfully the entire team is now home safely! We greatly appreciate all of the prayers and support that each of you have sent our way! The senders are just as important as the goers, and we can't wait to tell you how God has been at work this week! The tentative date for presenting at Calvary is 8/14, and we hope to see many of you there.
June 29 - July5 2019 New Bern NC
2018 Swan Quarter NC
June 24-Jul 1, 2017 Hattiesburg, MS
July 5-12, 2016 Zihuatanejo, Mexico
July 4-11, 2015 Hattiesburg, MS
June 28-July 5, 2014 Chattanooga, TN
July 13-20, 2013 Hattiesburg, MS
June 23-30, 2012 Honduras
July 9-16, 2011 Dalton, GA
July 3-9, 2010 Dalton, GA
July 24-August 2, 2009 Omak, Washington
June 28-July 5, 2008 Jamaica
2008 Gulf Coast
2007 Gulf Coast
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Episode VII: Don't Neglect the Duck
Today was our final day of construction! We started painting on some of the new
concrete. Due to the NC State affinity,
they did not torture us into painting the Carolina Blue that is in parts of the
church, but were nice and let us paint it white. New instructions also revealed that we were
to take down some more of the brick wall, instead of leaving an arch. El Toro (‘the bull’ in English) got right to
work along with the rest of the team. By
the afternoon, most of the wall was down and the other wall was freshly
painted. We left the worksite around
3:45 to head back to the hotel for a shower.
In the morning, we visited the Talita Cumi Home (formally
known as Manos de Dios) which is a home for children who come from homes that
do not have the capability to support them or were in special circumstances of
physical or sexual abuse. Currently there are 4 boys and 9 girls ranging from 4
to 15 years of age. The décor of the home was very bright and uplifting. The
home does not receive any contributions and supplies from the state, but
instead raises funds from churches and resort hotels. The mission of this home is to create a safe
home for the children to flourish and grow and are provided counselling to handle
the situation in which they have been exposed. Several of them are even
attending private school thanks to donations from sponsors. For some of the children, they are learning
trades to help them be productive. They
are welcome to stay until their schooling is completed and are great at helping
the younger children adjust. Interesting
history is that this home was initially the Salinas’ but has been expanded in
repeated projects by teams from churches from Michigan and have had support
from Churches in Canada.
On the way back to the worksite from the home, Guillermo and
Jennie drove us around the village a little bit to show us a home for the
abandoned elderly and one of the other church plants. When we arrived back at the church, a
wonderful meal of Pozole (like hominy soup) and pork rinds was waiting for us. It was great to have one more meal with
them! We have had such a fun week
getting to know each of them!
After our last afternoon of work, we came back to the hotel,
and many of us took a dip in the pool. We talked about today and what we’ve
learned this week, and what tomorrow will look like. While some of the team
tried to check in with the airline, there were some problems with the seat
reservations, so please pray that tomorrow's travel will go smoothly and we will
make all of our flights. Or, if God has something else in store for us, that he
will give us patient and faithful servant attitudes.
Ready to flex our bargaining muscles, we headed down the
street to the market shopping for souvenirs and gifts for friends and family
back home. We were very thankful that Jennie, Guillermo, and Tom were with us,
as they were very helpful with translating (even though many of the people
spoke decent English) and bartering with the locals. It was a fun evening and a
good time to reflect on what things we wanted to take back home with us, not
only physical things but lessons and memories and new attitudes on life. Ron became fascinated with large, 2-foot seed
pods hanging from a flowering tree which he retrieved with much perseverance. So excited about his souvenir, Ginger then
popped his bubble when he wanted to take it back to the US. Who knows what epidemic he would have started
without intervention!
Back at the ranch, we gathered together to talk about the
devotional from yesterday (we’re planning on doing tomorrow’s devotional at the
airport, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise). Today’s devotion was on Work,
based on Psalm 127. Even though talking about doing our work with the Lord at
the center would have been a good thing to talk about at the beginning of the
week, talking about it today was helpful towards navigating how we feel the
week went and what are attitudes are now after a week of working hard and
building relationships. A perfect way to end the week.
(The blog is titled as such, because we did that very thing, and there is not a General Quackington to look for today :()
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Episode VI: La Iglesia y La Playa
With church starting at 10:30 today, we had breakfast around
8am this morning. Jeff and Gwen were so kind and made the team pancakes and
bacon! It was an excellent, and delicious, treat, especially Ginger’s, which
had M&M’s taken from the trail mix. Afterwards we had our devotional time
from yesterday, and headed to the church, la iglesia. There was huge
thunderstorm this morning, so while the day was much cooler, it was also about
twice as humid (have we mentioned that we are in the wet season). When we
arrived at the church the worship team was practicing, with our very own Megan
playing the violin. We took our seats and were touched when we saw that a
picture of our group with the words “God Bless You” was printed on the back of the bulletin. It
really was super special to see what our time had meant to the congregation.
Worship was filled with energy and joy, and we got to sing a few familiar songs
in an unfamiliar language.
Nate got up and spoke to the congregation in Spanish,
with Guillermo translating to English, it wasn’t long before Nate ran out of
his planned Spanish script and they had to switch roles. Today’s sermon was on
Jonah, and how God’s grace can run faster than we can from God. It was very
powerful, and besides the occasional colloquialism and miscommunication, it was
translated to Spanish very well.
the sermon, we learned that the Church would be serving us lunch and then
spending time with us…at the beach (la playa)! We fellowshipped at the church
and then headed back to the hotel to get ready. We had a few tents set up with
a table under them and had a feast
of pasta/tuna salad, bread, chicken (either
pastor or barbeque), and rice. It was delicious, and afterwards we all floated
like beached whales in the water. After some time had passed, one person
brought a soccer ball into the water, and we played a giant game of catch.
There was so much laughter and smiling, you would have thought that we were all
old friends. The Lord has used this trip to build wonderful relationships
between our team and the church, and we have already been invited to return. It seems that this week has brought great
healing to Jenny and Guillermo. A little bit later, a soccer game was started,
that three of your favorite gringos, Ron, Tom, and Nathan G joined. The church
members were very gracious with any shoddy footwork that we may have brought
from the US. After a long afternoon of fun and fellowship, it was time to head
back to the hotel, for blogging (since the puppet show is late tonight, your
friendly neighborhood bloggers would prefer to get this post done early so we’re
not up until the wee hours of the morning) and a little R&R.This evening there is a huge city wide event where there will be many talent shows, including the puppet show that Vida Nueva puts on. There will be hundreds of people there tonight who will hear the gospel through their show. Please be praying for the puppeteer team, and for those who hear the message. We will report on the blog tomorrow!
(Did you find General Quackington yesterday? He was quite enjoying himself today! We're also still waiting for our yearly missionary joke from the peanut gallery!)
Episode V: ZOOhuatanejo
The trend of getting more sleep
continued today as Guillermo informed us that Saturday is traditionally a half
work day. So, breakfast ended at 9:30 this morning, and we left for the
worksite around 10:00 Mexico time (so 10:15). The work for today was
essentially cleaning up the church in preparation for Sunday service tomorrow.
While the people that hadn’t gotten the tour of the city yet finally had their
chance, the other six of us dusted chairs, benches, the platform, and everything
we could get our hands on, and then we did it again.
Something that we’ve been doing on
this trip, that we’ve done before, is have a prayer chair. The team rotates
having one person in a prayer chair for 15 minute intervals, where we can pray
(obviously), write down prayer requests, read scripture, or just be quiet with
the Lord. Occasionally, unnamed team member’s may fall asleep in the prayer
chair, but that is not it’s intended use. What we do doesn’t mean much unless
we have God at the heart of it all, so the prayer chair has been a blessing for
us to keep that in mind and help us understand what’s on everybody’s minds.
There were several hours of chiseling,
sweeping, dusting, sweeping some more, and having fun conversations with the
local church members in broken Spanish.
We have learned that there is no Spanish equivalent to Ginger, and that
several members have been given nicknames (Steve-El Torro, Jay-Pepe). After the tour group got back, we had a
wonderful taquito lunch. There were more church members at today’s work day and
lunch than we had seen before, and it was a lot of fun getting to know them.
One of the members was the church photographer, who wanted to take an
individual picture of each team member and one group photo. If we get past the
sweat and concrete covered bodies and tired eyes, we look pretty good.
Bonus: What animal is this |
We ended the day with dinner in a
restaurant in Ixtapa. The food here has
been amazing, and there’s a lot of seafood because Zihuatanejo is a fishing
village. Nathan Bowyer, a seafood fanatic, has been particularly pleased, and
has had such things as filleted fish, octopus, and shrimp. Tonight’s restaurant
was owned by a neighbor of Guillermo, and the food was incredible. Three of our
members’ meals came in a stone bowl, and was a bubbling volcano of queso,
sauce, their choice of meat, and, wait for it, cactus. There was also a special
dinner guest tonight, in the form of the first cat we had seen in Mexico. One
of our members, who shall remain named, Nathan G., had to be reminded that
here, dogs and cats are not considered friends, and he couldn’t pet the kitty.
After our delectable meal, we walked down the street to get some after dinner
gelato, much thanks to the ice cream fairy! The hours of the day dwindling away, we headed back home, and made the
decision that skipping our group meeting and devotional time would be best for
the group and Nate, who is preaching in the morning. That also made for one
happy blogging team (#blogsquad), who will get to bed at a decent hour tonight,
knock on wood. We’ve had a great time in Mexico so far, and as we prepare for
the tail end of our trip, we’re hoping to have more good times and find new
ways to be a blessing to the community here.Cards and Blogging |
Friday, July 08, 2016
Episode IV: Yesterday Was Sweaty, Today Was Spaghetti
When the work day was done we headed back to the hotel for a
siesta, filled with more swimming and napping, and ending with our daily
devotion time before heading to dinner. Today’s message was about Unity, which
is relevant here in our team as we work with each other and another culture,
and back home with all the shootings that have occurred recently. Please pray
for the Lord to bring healing to our country, and for people to have humility
(which was yesterday’s devotion topic) and take time to try and understand each
other, and the hurt that so many are feeling. Meeting adjourned, we headed back
to the restaurant we ate at last night for round two, this time without
Guillermo and Jennie as our guide. Plates clean and complimentary mints
freshening our breath, we headed to where the puppet show would be happening.
Tonight was our first opportunity to participate in Vida
Nueva’s puppet evangelistic puppet ministry. One of the families in the church
even invited their neighbors to come see a puppet show at 8 p.m. tonight. Yesterday’s
training in how to make balloon animals came in handy because for half an hour
before tonight’s puppet show, we helped the puppet team to blow up balloons and
twist them into animals, in front of the gathering crowd. We had two teams pass
out a simple two question survey to the adults within earshot of the puppet
show (which was amplified over a loud speaker). Pastor Nate began praying for
these two teams as the puppet show started. Tom and Megan handed out surveys to
adults across the street from the puppet show and to a group of women listening
in from the balcony of an adjacent apartment building. Mike and Ron handed out
surveys to the adults in the audience. After about ten minutes we returned to
those adults to pick up their surveys. Many of the adults surveyed indicated
that they would like to have someone from the church visit them to tell them
more about the gospel presentation that they heard during the puppet show.
Please pray that the members at Vida Nueva will follow up with visits to these
interested adults.
Being that tomorrow is Saturday, we are not working as long because that is what is normal in this culture. We will end the day with another puppet show. Please continue to pray for safety for the team, those who heard the gospel tonight, and those who will hear it tomorrow night.
(General Quackington was in 3 pictures yesterday. Did you find them all? He's only in one today-hint-in his natural environment)
Episode III: Beat the Heat, Beat the Concrete
A dog may be a man’s best friend, but down here
water is a man’s very best friend
Arc welders are very, very bright.
Around 12:30-1:00, we all sat down for a lunch break, once
again provided by the church. Lentils, a variety of meats, and plantains were
on the menu, along with a variety of beverages, including apple soda, and
homemade tortillas. After a very long lunch break filled with wonderful
exchanges of stories and laughs, we got back to work. The wall that was being
torn down to make a double door was insulated with metal wire and Styrofoam that
needed to be dug through to get to the rebar. Part of the team worked on that,
while the others continued to go to town on the office/nursery wall, and carry
the debris to a pile across the street. After working on that for just a few
hours, it was time to go back to the hotel for a siesta. Some people swam, some
people slept, and some people got caught up in the world of the NBA (it was me,
Nathan G). Around 6:00, Guillermo and Jennie arrived to take us out to dinner,
our first dining experience in downtown Zihuatanejo.
Satisfied with our final
meal of the day, the crew rolled on back to the church, where rehearsal for
this weekends’ series of puppet shows was happening. After a little bit of
audience participation, the team gathered around to help pump up balloons, and
then we were taught how to make balloon animals. While some of us found a new
hobby twisting rubber air sacks into monkeys and koalas and swords (Oh my!),
others affirmed that they shouldn’t quit their day jobs. After a long time of
twisting, popping, and just making general fools of ourselves, we had ourselves
a rag tag bunch of mutant balloon creatures, with a few normal ones, made by
our demonstrator, as their leader. It was time to ride through the Zihuatanejo
nightlife, which included a man breathing fire and dogs hanging out on roofs.
Back at the hotel, we rendezvoused in the girls’ room to debrief the day, sing
songs, and talk about today’s devotional. The topic was humility, and in a day
where we were pushed physically and mentally, it was very relevant.
During the devotional, Jeff and Gwen shared with us their
conversation with Guillermo and Jennie at the dinner table. Evidently, the last team that they had down
here to serve was in 2007, where one of the young team members was in a
terrible accident on the beach and lost his life. Prior to this event, they were hosting 10-15
teams a year. Guillermo decided that they
would no longer advertise for teams to come down, after being shaken by the
tragic event. Guillermo told God that if
He would send a team down, he would allow it, but it had to be by God’s
directing, and not by them advertising the service opportunity. We are the first team to reach out to the
Salinas family and come down since that tragic incident almost 10 years
ago. This trip has been such a blessing
and a humbling experience to see God’s hand at work every step of the way. Pray that we will be a blessing to the
Salinas family while we are here, and that God will continue to use this
opportunity to bring Him glory every step of the way.
(Added bonus: There is more than one General Quackington picture today. How many can you find? Let us know in the comments!)
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Episode 2.1: A Divine Appointment
What is a divine appointment? Tuesday, sitting on the tarmac in Atlanta,
waiting for takeoff, I began to sense that God had different plans than what we
had originally designed. Don’t think I’m
a prophet or son of a prophet, I can just read a watch! Every time the pilot spoke through intercom
to the cabin, our departure time was further delayed, and each time, I looked
at my seat-mates Jeff and Gwen Wiggs, and smiled, saying, “God may have a
different idea about this than we do.”
As it became abundantly clear we were unlikely to make our connecting
flight from Mexico City to Zihuatanejo, I started thinking about Acts 16:6-10,
where the author tells us that the apostle Paul’s mission team was prevented by
the Spirit to speak the Word in Asia and Bithynia, and instead, Paul receives a
midnight vision compelling him to go to Macedonia. I wondered, “What is God up to?”
Meanwhile, another short-term missionary, named Mike was on
his way from San Antonio, Texas to Peru, when his plane was delayed in Mexico
City. Like us, he discovered that he
would be grounded until today, and he decided to find a bench at the airport
and wait out the 18 hours until his flight.
Mike would share with me that he didn’t know why the Lord stopped him,
but he had a sense that God was up to something. By around 1pm today, both Mike and I had a
better idea of what God was doing.
Shortly after checking our bags today for a second attempt
at a flight to Zihuatanejo, our team debated on whether to get lunch before or
after going through security. For the
sake of time, I thought it would be wise to get through then stop for
lunch. The team, and God, had a
different idea.
After ordering pizza at the airport food court, I sat down
to wait. I felt a tap on my shoulder,
and two men asked if they could read the back of my shirt (Psalm 96:2-3). This began a conversation with the
aforementioned Mike and a gentleman named Ulysses, whom Mike had met 5 hours
before while walking through the airport.
I learned that Ulysses was a motorcycle mechanic from Tijuana, Mexico, who
had spent many adventures in the United States, including bungee jumping off
the New River Gorge Bridge in my home state of West Virginia. Ulysses has experienced much brokenness,
including 17 bones in his body. He
shared that the last two years had been particularly difficult for him,
including the death of his mother and bone cancer, which led to the loss of
half of his left leg. He has struggled
to find work, is now homeless, and has been living at the airport in Mexico
City for the past 17 days. As Mike left
to get on his plane, he shared with Ulysses the hope of a new body through the
resurrection in the last day. With tears in his eyes, Ulysses then shared with
me the deep struggles and hopelessness he felt because of his circumstances,
and he expressed doubts over whether life was worth living and if God really
cared. I then began to share with him
that Jesus’ suffering in our place proves that God looks at us with eternal
love and that he has shown to us our worth through the cross. Ulysses listened intently, saying, “I hope
this is true,” and this gave me opportunity to share with him that he could
have a saving relationship with Jesus that may not change his temporal
circumstances but would give him an eternal hope. Ulysses gave me permission to pray with him,
and he thanked me for taking time with him.
God’s providential restructuring of Paul’s plans led Paul’s
team to Philippi, where a wealthy business woman, a poor slave girl and a
hardened, retired Roman soldier-turned jailer became the unexpected core group
for the planting of a church that would become a pivotal partner in God’s
mission through the work of the Apostle Paul to take the gospel to the nations. God’s providential restructuring of the plans
of a team of short-term missionaries from Raleigh, NC and one from San Antonio,
TX, led us to a broken man, desperately wondering if God had abandoned him, and
if life were worth living. Unlike the
formation of the church at Philippi, I may never know on this side of glory
what will come of Ulysses, but I am convinced that this was one of the many
divine appointments God puts in our lives to transform us and others with the
good news of a God who entered our brokenness to make us new through the
sacrifice of Jesus. Please pray for
Ulysses and for the many other divine appointments the Lord sends our way this
week, and ask the Lord the work through you as you serve as His missionaries
wherever He has placed you.
~Nate W.
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Episode II: Terminal 75A?
The flight to Zihuatanejo was a beautiful, scenic
route. We were all amazed by the
mountain ranges and little towns nestled in the valleys. We were greeted by Jennie and Guillermo and
their daughter Amanda. They shuttled us
to the church where we were excited to see that members of the church had
already started the work project! We
look forward to joining them tomorrow. A
church member had also prepared a hearty meal with homemade tortillas, carrots,
potatoes and beef. After we filled our
bellies, washed it down with Cucumber-lemon water, and heard Guillermo’s
testimony, we made it to our hotel, which is thankfully close to where we’ll be
The evening comprised of settling into our rooms, a trip to
Sam’s for water and food, and an evening worship service at the church. The
pool has proven to be an invaluable asset as sticking our feet in the water
while blogging, though a dangerous task, feels delightful.
Even though our trip was delayed and we’re getting started
on work later than we though, God is good, all the time. We’re anxious to begin
construction tomorrow and see the many things God wants to reveal to us this
week. Get ready Zihuatanejo, Calvary Missions Team has arrived!
(General Quackington was stowed safely away during travels today. Two pictures to come tomorrow.)
Tuesday, July 05, 2016
Episode 1: Plan Alternativo
They say if you want to make God
laugh, tell him your plans. What we thought would be a relatively humorless day turned out to be the bust up and need-new-pants kind of day. On
the plane leaving Atlanta to go to Mexico City, a storm rolled in and delayed
our flight an hour…make that two. While
it was the perfect time to watch Finding Nemo, the whole way through, it put a damper on the rest of the plans for the day. Despite our fantasy of getting
through customs soon enough to make our flight in spite of the road block (aka
10 minutes), we were unable to make our final flight to Zihuatanejo in time.
You read that right friends and family, we’re blogging this from Mexico City,
not Zihuatanejo as you were all expecting. Cue dramatic music.
The rest of the afternoon was spent
planning out how we would address this situation. Some people found a hotel for
us to stay the night while others went to figure out our new flight plan. There
was plenty of back and forth and hair pulling, but we got a flight for 2:30 PM Wednesday.
After over four hours at the airport waiting, planning, and then waiting some
more, we enjoyed a meal at Toks, a spicy little joint with even spicier
peppers. Belly’s full and everything worked out for the day, we took two
eventful shuttles to our hotel. Who knew
there were such things as three lane roundabouts, but Mexico City has them, and
we survived to tell the tale!
(Don't forget to look for General Quackington!)
Monday, July 04, 2016
We're Off Again!
Having been another rotation around the sun, it's time for Calvary to embark on another mission trip! This year we are excited to be serving with long term missionaries, Guillermo and Jennie Salinas, in Zihuatanejo, Mexico ( Spanish pronunciation: [siwataˈnexo]). Calvary PCA has partnered with the Salinas family since the 1990's, and we are thrilled about the opportunity to finally go and serve along beside them. Please be praying for the team, as we depart RDU at 9:30 tomorrow morning, for safety while we travel, and that we will be a witness to everyone we meet. On the church website, you can find a comprehensive list of prayer requests for the week.
We look forward to telling you all about our adventures and how God is using the Salinas family in Zihuatanejo. We would love to hear from you on the comments of our blog about questions you may have, missionary jokes, or how things are going back home. We will also be playing 'Where's General Quackington' or something along the lines as we did last year, so keep a look out in the blog pictures!
Once again we thank you for your continued prayers and support!
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:3-6

Once again we thank you for your continued prayers and support!
"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:3-6
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