The most time wasted is the time wasted getting started. Well, we wasted no time getting started on tearin' up Tuesday. The learning curve from Monday served us well as we easily completed the baseboards around the perimeter of the sanctuary. We continued to shy away from the obtuse angles on the stage. Maybe we'll try on Wednesday.

Next on the list was the decorative moulding on the top of the baseboards. Instead of sticking with what we knew from the baseboard installation, we tried a novel approach for the moulding but realized we couldn't "cope." Ancient words of wisdom rung in our heads, "You got to dance with the one what brung ya." Hence, we returned to the tried and true methods, with Miter Master Lisa deftly handling the miter saw (left-handed, even) and Saw Hero Mike hacking out trapezoids to assure tight fitting joints.

Mike and Kathy took a short side trip to Belle Chasse for Mike to receive his Legion of Merit medal for "exceptionally meritorious service in positions of increasing responsibility, culminating a 30-year career as Director of Support Operations, 377th Theater Support Command." Congratulations, Mike! Even with this break in the day Kathy continued to faithfully paint the myriad of metal door frames.
Work was suspended at 6 PM in order to entertain our gracious host families. A fine dinner was had and NC gifts were presented (even from UNC, although we're not sure why).

After cleanup, we worked another hour to complete the moulding on the sanctuary floor. The evening ended on a high with Jeff figuring

out how to "cope." (See Unca Bubba's book, page 260. By the way, thanks Rich. We use it every day, and we're taking good care of it.)

Tomorrow we look forward to more moulding, painting, maybe even a few window sills. Please pray for safety and relief from some soreness. Good sleep is a request, as well. Thanks for your concern and prayers.
Congratualtions Mike on your Legion of Merit medal!
This is looking a far sight more luxurious than what I had to work with. Why "when I was a bouy...". Anyway, it looks like much is being accomplished. It is "plumb" pretty.
Watch it with the UNC comments!
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