We had a good night's sleep and awakened a bit early due to the time difference. Worship at Edgewater is at 9:30, with spiritual formation groups (Sunday School) after the worship service. The congregation meets in the back of the church building, as the sanctuary hasn't been restored since Katrina.
The worship service was a bit different with a former seminary student and church member returning to share he and his wife's experience in ministry to the Domari gypsies in the Nile delta near Alexandria. Josh & Ashley shared their burden for seeing God glorified in the redemption of people from all over the world. It was a challenge to hear that missions involves not just going, but mobilizing, sending and praying.
After morning worship, we toured the church and talked with Jay about the laundry list of expectations. Mike picked up the gauntlet for the work week, committing the entire group to complete Jay's list. Tasks include baseboard installation and trim painting in the sanctuary, then chair rail installation to complete the job.
Next, we took the traditional trip to Wal-Mart (the first fully brick Super Wal-Mart seen by any of the crew), not to purchase forgotten items but to procure food for the week. Mike treated us to a driving tour of the French Quarter on the return trip.

I like all the smiles. Many have been praying for you including Bryan praying for y'all from the pulpit.
May God make your paths straight today as you begin work.
Tom Gyori
May God protect you from severe weather. The morning news made it look like y'all may see some strong storms.
BTW it is mostly sunny and 68 degrees here.
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