Wake up! It’s Tuesday and we are still adjusting to the time difference. BUT it is getting better each day. By the time we come home, we will be adjusted and then you guys will have to live with us while we readjust!
Today we almost finished painting the boy’s dormitory and it is beginning to look very nice. Pictures to come. The deck attached to the boy’s dorm is still a work in progress but we made good headway on it today. Some of us had a chance to go to Nespelem to sing at various places. The prison was where some of us went to start off the day. We also sang for a community center while they ate lunch as well as a nursing home. All three singing opportunities were blessed in that we had a chance to talk to the natives and they were very open and appreciative of us visiting them. On the way back from Nespelem the team from Vancouver wanted to visit a lady whose house they worked on the first year they came to Omak. They have been back to visit her every year since then. Some of our team got to go visit her as well. She has quite a few grandkids and pets! Some sightseeing was also done on the way back. You can see the pictures of Sasquatch and Chief Joseph’s grave.
VBS was also held this morning and went really well. The kids have already attached themselves to the VBS workers and we have lots of stories to tell once we return home.
Part of VBS includes a skit for the kids. Ashley, Marilee, Katie, and Chris are four of the members in the skit and the kids really enjoy watching the team members joke around and have fun. A lot of these kids do not have a chance to laugh, and they enjoy the laughter our team members have brought them. Many of the kids do not have stable family relationships and come from broken homes. The fact that our team members are there every day is a great constant for the kids to look forward to each day.
Also, the woodshed that was started yesterday was finished today, and new woodsheds have begun going up. About 6 of us went out to an elderly couple’s house today to start building a woodshed, and finished the entire frame – we will finish the roofing (attaching tar paper and shingles) tomorrow, but everything else on that shed is complete. The elderly couple was really excited to be receiving a woodshed, and gave us a tour of their house. Both of them enjoy oil painting, and told us the stories behind most of the homemade artwork throughout their home, which was very interesting!
Today we almost finished painting the boy’s dormitory and it is beginning to look very nice. Pictures to come. The deck attached to the boy’s dorm is still a work in progress but we made good headway on it today. Some of us had a chance to go to Nespelem to sing at various places. The prison was where some of us went to start off the day. We also sang for a community center while they ate lunch as well as a nursing home. All three singing opportunities were blessed in that we had a chance to talk to the natives and they were very open and appreciative of us visiting them. On the way back from Nespelem the team from Vancouver wanted to visit a lady whose house they worked on the first year they came to Omak. They have been back to visit her every year since then. Some of our team got to go visit her as well. She has quite a few grandkids and pets! Some sightseeing was also done on the way back. You can see the pictures of Sasquatch and Chief Joseph’s grave.
VBS was also held this morning and went really well. The kids have already attached themselves to the VBS workers and we have lots of stories to tell once we return home.
Part of VBS includes a skit for the kids. Ashley, Marilee, Katie, and Chris are four of the members in the skit and the kids really enjoy watching the team members joke around and have fun. A lot of these kids do not have a chance to laugh, and they enjoy the laughter our team members have brought them. Many of the kids do not have stable family relationships and come from broken homes. The fact that our team members are there every day is a great constant for the kids to look forward to each day.
Also, the woodshed that was started yesterday was finished today, and new woodsheds have begun going up. About 6 of us went out to an elderly couple’s house today to start building a woodshed, and finished the entire frame – we will finish the roofing (attaching tar paper and shingles) tomorrow, but everything else on that shed is complete. The elderly couple was really excited to be receiving a woodshed, and gave us a tour of their house. Both of them enjoy oil painting, and told us the stories behind most of the homemade artwork throughout their home, which was very interesting!