Team leaders have scouted out job sites, and we think we have a 'plan' for tomorrow. We will be dividing up into three different job sites, working on things like decking and drywalling - but more about that tomorrow. Tools and snacks have been divided up accordingly and we are hydrating in anticipation for the day ahead.
We also made a Walmart run today because Uncle Bubba (Mr. Rich) forgot shower shoes. A highlight at the end of the day was the presentation of Uncle Bubba with gorgeous fuschia flip-flops by the illustrious "Gaggle".
Please pray for our general health (bumps, bruises, exhaustion...), and patience for everyone tomorrow as we begin to figure out who and what go where and when.
And as always, here are a few pictures from the day.
Hey Team,
Sounds like things are going well! Is Rich going to be painting his toenails to match the flip-flops? We will be praying for your flexibility today. I am praying that it will bring you all many blessings of the gospel!
Please save the flipflops for a re-enactment of the presentation when you get back. Too bad he didn't have them when the church water heater let go.
Hey Lisa and Tom-
Nathan stole a car today and Austin found his gun... finally! So all is well in Chicago. Aren't you glad you asked G & G to take good care of the boys? Hope all is well with you too!
Love and peace,
You know who
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