Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Soffits, Saturn, and Sonic Blasts!!

Three words can summarize our day: Soffits, Saturn, and Sonic Blasts (Pastor Wright aren’t you proud of Ginger for thinking of that?). Ok we probably need a few more words but that’s a good start.

Daniel "helps" Ron get down from the deck

We started the day with construction again. We went to the same sites as yesterday to continue the work we started. The first site (insulation and digging yesterday) completed the insulation under the house and prepped the outside for vinyl siding to begin tomorrow. Gwen shared that she is very pleased with the servants’ heats that are being shown at the house. The team is constantly looking for ways to serve when they have a spare moment by sweeping or shoveling or whatever needs to be done. The team was also able to meet the parents of one of the homeowners, which was a blessing to the team. We will share more of their story when we return. The other site was able to finish the roof of the house. Anne was excited to see a project completed because on most of the mission’s trips she has been on she has left the finishing touches of a project to someone else. Great progress was also made on the handicap ramp and, Lord willing, it will be finished tomorrow. Siding should also be started tomorrow on this house, as the prep work has been going on for the last few days. Marilee and Kristin also went to Laundromax to wash and dry the tie dye shirts that the kids made yesterday at VBS. They turned out great and the kids should get them in the next few days (time to be determined tomorrow). Tomorrow we will return to the same worksites to continue the work we have started.

Prepping for vinyl siding

For VBS today we took the kids to the Tellus Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. We were all very impressed with the quality of the exhibits. Jeff started the day by teaching the kids about Jesus as the bread of life. He used the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand to illustrate that temporary things fade away but we need Jesus to satisfy us eternally (John 6:1-15). Afterward we loaded into the vans and headed to the museum. When we arrived we went straight to the planetarium and saw a presentation on the constellations and the planets. Lisa’s favorite moment at the museum was when all the kids gasped when the presenter turned down the lights so they could see the night sky. There was quite a bit of snoring going on during the show, so apparently we worked hard enough in the morning. Tyler only had to be woken up once before he woke himself up by snoring (He was NOT the only one sleeping though! By straw poll it appears that about half of us went to sleep at some point). We then split the kids up into groups and were able to explore the museum. The most popular exhibits were the fossil dig and the gem panning. The kids would have stayed there all day if we would have let them. However, they did also enjoy doing hands on science experiments, looking at rocks and minerals, examining fossils, and seeing transportation throughout time. We had just enough time in the museum before it was time to return to the church.

Playing with magnets and discussing the next exciting exhibit to peruse

Tonight we were able to go to Sonic on our annual “Ice Cream Run”. Someone at the church anonymously gives money every year for us to treat ourselves and we are always very grateful. Not even Lisa knows who the secret fairy is! They are pretty sneaky. It was a great time to relax and enjoy fellowshipping with each other. We were even able to treat some of our friends from Sparta and the Hilton Head twins we have adopted to our team.

Tomorrow will be more of the same on the construction front. For VBS we will be going to Fort Mountain State Park to geocache (the definition is coming tomorrow!). At night we have the opportunity to go putt putting and play laser tag at the house of a family who attends church here. It promises to be a lot of fun! Ginger and Kristin also hope to pass on some of the blogging duties tomorrow so stay tuned to read some other perspectives!


Calvary! said...

The Tellus Museum sounds neat! Hope y'all are staying cool, especially you roof-working folk :) You're in our prayers. Colossians 3:12-14

Rebeca Reams said...

So excited to read your blog each day! Thinking and praying all continues to go well.

The Reams'

Anonymous said...

How about a missionary joke (kind of)?

A missionary, after a long life overseas, comes to the Pearly Gates and is asked to wait while St. Peter checks the register. In the meantime, a bus driver also arrives and is immediately allowed in. The missionary complains, “How can that be?” St. Peter answers, “When you preached everybody fell asleep but when he drove everyone was praying.”

Praying your bus drivers are putting you to sleep.