Two Jamaican soccer teams showed up at the same time. So they combined everyone into one huge game. The Jamaicans won 9 to 4!
God’s hand was definitely evident in VBS: about sixty kids attended VBS! It went very well and the kids seemed to love it! We are definitely recruiting more guys from the soccer team to help us with “crowd control” tomorrow.
It is very hot and humid here. We are sweating constantly even at night. So, after a long day’s work we are ready for bed. So, I will sign off with a few pictures and comments from some of the team members.
P.S. Uncle Bubba, the tinted safety glasses came in handy today – thanks!
It is a lot of fun interacting with the deaf children! It’s a new and exciting experience!
- Marilee
I have really enjoyed being here in Jamaica. It has been an amazing experience and I am thankful God gave me this opportunity. It has been awesome to spend time with the deaf kids, the other teams, and the local Jamaican kids at VBS. Miss you all!
- Megan
It’s been a fun couple of days so far! I have enjoyed the work (surprisingly) and the soccer and picking up on sign language. I scored a goal in one of our soccer games! I am looking forward to the rest of the week.
-Rob C.
I have not had time to read any blog entries to date, but I am sure everyone has heard that the trip so far has been amazing. Being blessed with an early morning “body clock,” I was given the opportunity to coordinate all breakfast meals. Besides having the first shot at the shower, this also affords me the added blessing of witnessing some amazing and beautiful sunrises from our vista of the bay here at CCCD. I also wanted to thank God for our youth – their cheerful and willing spirits and servants’ attitudes are a clear demonstration of God’s work in their lives. They demonstrate God’s love through their hard work and love for others in all they do daily with the folks there in Jamaica.
Thank you for your continued prayers. God bless!
-Dr./Col. Mike

Hello Calvary Team!
Keep up the great work! You're in our prayers.
In Christ,
Wow! The pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing them.
We love you and miss you,
The Reams
P.S. Megan L., Thanks for the postcard. Love, Alex
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