Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prepping for Dalton

Dalton, GA? Where in the world is that? Why would we want to go there? All good questions that will be answered in time here. July 3rd is fast approaching and we have tons of work left. Planning construction projects, day camp themed around God's magnificent creation, not to mention (although I will) all the details to get 19 people from Raleigh to northwest Georgia - this can be a bit overwhelming.

But God is faithful and Lisa's got us running like a well-oiled machine again (although we can gum up the works without much effort). 85% of our support is in. Pray for completion of the planning and support-raising. God has yet to see a recession in His economy. Also, ask for unity of heart and purpose for a group of broken people, trusting in the One who can use the broken to bring wholeness and healing to others.

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