Sunday, July 01, 2012

We're Home!

After about 18 hours of traveling yesterday, we finally made it home!  We arrived in Raleigh around 12:30 am.  We had a great, safe trip, and we would like to thank all of y'all for your prayers!  There will be a presentation Sunday night July 15th at the church to show a slideshow and tell all about our trip.  We are so grateful for all of the Lord's blessings that we saw this past week and can't wait to share them with you!  Also, if you would like to keep up with what is happening in La Fe, Ashley Troxell (one of the missionaries we worked with) is writing a blog as well!
If you would like to keep up with more of the work of the other missionaries who work in La Ceiba and Armenia Bonito, the Pettengills also keep a blog.
back in the US

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